
Conference Presentation Proposal

Proposal deadline:  November 1, 2017


This call for presentation proposals is for those working in the grassroots domestic violence movement: women’s shelters, women’s centres, Partner Assault Response (PAR) programs, men’s treatment programs, family therapists, restorative justice facilitators, police, probation offices, crown prosecutors, judges, victim services officers, children mental health workers, child protection workers, addiction counselors, health care workers, clergy, educators and others engaged in direct service.  Presentation proposals are also welcome from academics and government policy makers.

Please complete the proposal form and submit using the button below.  Please also note the following:

  • Contributors will receive confirmation of acceptance or non-acceptance within 4-6 weeks of the submission deadline.
  • All presenters are required to register and pay the conference fee before being added to the conference schedule.
  • Presenters are responsible for providing their own travel and hotel accommodations for the conference.
  • Upon acceptance, presenters will be asked to provide a promotional photograph for posting on the conference website.
  • Separate email submissions will be accepted. If doing so, please send your submission as an MS Word attachment to with the subject line:  Canadian DV Conference 5