Thursday, March 22 & Friday, March 23, 2018
Note: Location of display booths will be announced prior to the conference
Caring Dads
Katreena Scott and Marty Menard
Our work on the Caring Dads: Helping Fathers Value their Children program arose from our concern for those children who cannot count on their fathers to be nonviolent. We recognized that although fathers’ roles have changed, we have lagged behind in developing programs and policies that reflect this new reality. Instead, we still address, assess, and intervene mostly with mothers and children, and fail to adequately recognize the needs and responsibility of fathers. In particular, we have been failing to provide accountable services for families in which fathers have been abusive towards their children or towards their children’s mothers. We developed the Caring Dads program to help meet this need. In this display booth, we tell the story of how the Caring Dads program got started. We will share the lessons that we learned as we developed the program and outline the accountability principles that now guide our work.
Katreena Scott, PhD. is an Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development at the University of Toronto and the Canada Research Chair in Family Violence Prevention and Intervention. She leads an applied research program aimed at reducing violence in family relationships, with specific expertise is addressing violence perpetration in men and fathers. Dr. Scott is recognized internationally for her intervention work with abusive fathers and nationally for her research on effective interventions for intimate partner violence. The Caring Dads program that she developed, is currently running in many sites across Canada, as well as in the US, UK, Ireland, Wales, Germany and Sweden.
Marty Menard is an accomplished Business Developer with over 15 years experience in direct sales, and as an entrepreneur working for both profit and not-for-profit organizations. Recognized for contributions to record-setting sales figures, territory startup/expansion and new account development, he joins our team in the role of Enterprise Development for North America. As a marketing professor at the Lawrence Kinlin School of Business, a leadership mentor for London Community Foundation and an award-winning entrepreneur and business developer, Marty brings a wealth of experience and passion to the role of cultivating