Pre-Conference & Plenaries
Program Overview
Concurrent Sessions - Day 1
Concurrent Sessions - Day2
Full Descriptions
CDVC6 2020
Pre-Conference & Plenaries
Program Overview
Concurrent Sessions - Day 1
Concurrent Sessions - Day2
Full Descriptions
Concurrent Sessions - March 23, 2018
Friday, March 23, 2018 - 10:00 am - 10:55 AM
Risk Assessment, Risk Management, and Safety Planning Strategies in Indigenous Populations
Olivia Peters and Claudette Dumont-Smith
Men's constructed narratives of IPV: Using a biographic narrative interpretive research method
David Delay and Bolaji Akinyele-Akanbi
Changing the narratives about women: Reducing barriers to services
Allison Mclauchlan
I CAN Plan 4 Safety: A Personalized online Safety Planning and Health Promotion Tool for Women
Marilyn Ford-Gilboe
Violence threat assessment and IPV
Tracey Marshall
Domestic Violence in the Workplace: Building Alliances & Making Change
Barb MacQuarrie
Learning from Women about the Connections between Violence, Trauma, Substance Use and Mental Health Issues and What They Need to Heal
Norma Jean Profitt
Co-constructing the meaning of taking responsibility for men who have abused
Yoshiyuki Takano
Reaching for a Good Life program: A bio-psycho-social approach with men who abuse
Ann Marie Dewhurst and Karen Nielsen
Representing femicide: Using the media and court reports to identify dominant attitudes and stereotypes about violence against women
Myrna Dawson
See Full Descriptions
Friday, March 23, 2018 - 11:05 am - 12:00 PM
Dancing in the Light: A First Nation conference to address sexual abuse and IPV
Melinda Mack and Jeanette Apps
Reducing Barriers to Services for Women with Mental Wellness and Substance Use Issues
Pak Ka Liu
WiseGuyz: A Healthy Relationship Program for Young Men
Joe Campbell
Circles of Safety and Support: A Prince Edward Island Response to Women’s Fear and Isolation
Kirstin Lund and Gloria Dennis
Heard. Silenced. Ignored: The Voices of Affluent Women who experience IPV
Sharon Skaling
Reclaiming Her Power: A second-stage housing approach to women’s recovery
Heather Byrne and Kira Kelly
Can I be a good father?: A group approach with Chinese fathers who have perpetrated IPV
Wai Hung Wallace Tsang
Trauma-Informed care with men who use abuse
Kara Neustaedter and Hennes Doltze
Non-criminal domestic dispute cases: Risk factors, escalation, and support services
Angela Hovey, Susan Scott and Lori Chambers
Child Welfare and VAW working together for the benefit of women and children
Silvia Samsa, Julie Fiddes, Ramona Sawatzky and Kendall Trembath
See Full Descriptions
Friday, March 23, 2018 - 1:00 Pm - 1:55 PM
Working with Difference: Using racial and gender differences to help Indigenous men take responsibility for their abusive behaviour
Laura Boileau
Screening Family Law Cases for IPV: An evidence-based approach
Pamela Cross and Claire Farid
Developing a Domestic Violence Court
Nancy Komsa
An Indigenous Community's Work on Gender-Based Violence in the Context of Healing
Annie Chau and Juliana Julian
Vicarious trauma: The impact on IPV Professionals and their relationships
Sharon Mailloux
Domestic violence risk assessment & safety planning: Comparing Immigrant & Canadian-born victims of violence
Sakthi Kalaichandran
What’s in a name? Understanding who domestic homicide victims are and how they are identified
Jordan Fairbairn, Danielle Sutton, Myrna Dawson
What supports are available for older women who experience intimate partner violence?
Lori Weeks, Christie Silversides, Lois Jackson, Colleen MacQuarrie, Heather Helpard and Robyn Burns
The Inclusion of Children in Service Provision Among Violence Against Women and Batterer Intervention Agencies in Ontario
Katherine Reif and Randal David
See Full Descriptions
Friday, March 23, 2018 - 2:05 Pm - 3:00 PM
Moving Services as a Violence Prevention Strategy - Shelter Movers of Toronto
Marc Hull-Jacquin and Amanda Levine
Ending Violence: A group therapy approach
Katherine Bridge
From Turning a Blind Eye to Evidenced-Based Policing: The Past, Present, and Future of Criminal Justice Responding to IPV
Erin deJong
Conceptualizing and operationalizing men's violence and the impact on men’s health
Kelly Scott-Storey, Sue O'Donnell and Judith Wuest
Domestic Violence from a Newcomer Perspective
Wenche Gausdal and Gina Moynan
Mothers Parenting, Fathers Anger Awareness
Margaret Coombes
All Women are Welcome: Reducing barriers to shelter services with a harm reduction model
Kathy Willis
I’m Still Standing: Promoting Resilience in Survivors and Advocates
Rosalyn James
MANifest Change: Engaging Men and Boys in the Prevention of Domestic Violence
Matt Schaaf
Portuguese-speaking immigrant women’s experience of accessing services for intimate partner violence
Sepali Guruge and Stephanie Lucchese
See Full Descriptions