Pre-Conference & Plenaries
Program Overview
Concurrent Sessions - Day 1
Concurrent Sessions - Day2
Full Descriptions
CDVC6 2020
Pre-Conference & Plenaries
Program Overview
Concurrent Sessions - Day 1
Concurrent Sessions - Day2
Full Descriptions
Concurrent Sessions - March 22, 2018
Thursday, March 22, 2018 -
10:00 am - 10:55 am
Reclaiming our spirits: A health promotion program for Indigenous women who have experienced violence
Colleen Varcoe and Corrina Russ
Innovative Transitional Housing Options for Women Leaving Domestic Violence
Sherrie Botten and Brigitte Baradoy
A Unique Program for Youth to Break the Abuse Cycle
Joanne Young Evans
Domestic and Honour-Related Violence in Canadian Muslim Communities: Exploring Approaches and Clinical Interventions
Henna Khawja
A Grass-roots, Community-based approach to preventing domestic violence
Jodi Heidinger and Heather Boonstra
COURRAGE: An approach to creating partnerships among women who have experienced violence and trauma
Ncazelo Mlilo
Young Men’s Work: A group program for male victims of childhood maltreatment
Shireen V. Singer and Thomas E. Pottie
Exploring the lived experience of survivors: The link between intimate partner violence (IPV) and traumatic brain injury (TBI).
Chantele Joordens
Left Behind - One family's struggle with domestic homicide
Dolly Mosher
Peel Institute on Violence Prevention: A study of data collection practises in community agencies
Monica Riutort and Sandra Rupnarain
See Full Descriptions
Thursday, March 22, 2018 -
11:05 am - 12:00 pm
A South Asian group approach to working with men who have abused
Baldev Mutta and Amandeep Kaur
Technology and Gender Based Violence: Training to Enhance Women’s Safety
Rhiannon Wong
Women in IPV Treatment for Abusers and Women in IPV Survivor Groups: Different or Two Sides of the Same Coin?
Leslie Tutty and Rochelle (Robbie) Babins-Wagner
Caught in a Trap: Working with Women with Multiple Traumas
Heather Gaskill
Intimate Partner Violence: A Scoping Review of Online Interventions
Ebony Rempel
An Innovative Partnership in Addressing Domestic Violence: Edmonton Police Service and the City of Edmonton
Sarah Ramsey, Alexandra Simpson, and Jenny Kuefler
Emergency Evacuation Protocols for Women Fleeing Abuse
Gaye Warthe
Health Care Workers: Addressing violence against women patients and co-workers
Rita Chin & Christine Bradshaw
Rowan House Emergency Shelter: Journey to Trauma-informed Service Delivery
Sherrie Botten
Deconstructing stories of victimization: Addressing the effects of trauma to move people toward taking responsibility.
Leland Maerz
See Full Descriptions
Thursday, March 22, 2018 -
1:00 Pm - 1:55 pm
Culturally Integrative Family Safety Response: Working with immigrant & refugee populations impacted by domestic violence
Mohammed Baobaid and Abir Al Jamal
The Stepping Up project: A university approach to IPV policy and prevention
Gaye Warthe & Carrie McManus
Engendering justice for intimate partner violence: making social meaning of restorative justice principles
Stephanie Ehret
Improving Family Court in cases which include Intimate Partner Violence
Kassinda Tolliver
Responding to domestic violence in rural, remote, and northern populations
Anna Johnson, Daniel Bader, Nicole Jeffrey,
Melissa WuercH & Myrna Dawson
Speaking DJ Program: A domestic violence prevention program for children and youth
Chuck Winters
Why They Stay, Why They Stalk
Angela Strand and Jeff Anderson
Promoting Accountability with Men
Dominic Boyd
The Dangers of Speech: A Narrative Lens on Trauma and Violence
Catrina Brown
See Full Descriptions
Thursday, March 22, 2018 -
2:00 Pm - 2:55 pm
Restorative Justice in Remote Communities: Building Resiliency
Stephanie Ashton
A Comparison of Court Mandated to Non-Court Mandated Men in the Responsible Choices for Men IPV Offender Program
Leslie Tutty & Rochelle (Robbie) Babins-Wagner
Working with Male Victims of Domestic Abuse
Marcus Cheung
Exploring a Feminist Trauma-Informed Model in Response to Sexualized Violence
Dee Dooley and Shabnam Sobhani
Supporting Affluent Survivors
Carrie McManus and Kirstin Blair
Risk Assessment, Risk Management, and Safety Planning Strategies in Immigrant and Refugee Populations: A Review of the Literature
Randal David, Kate Rossiter and Abir Al Jamal
Restorative Justice and Domestic Violence: A Mi’kmaw approach
Bev Walker and Paula Marshall
Grassroots community peacebuilding: A rural community defines the causes of IPV and the means of preventing it
Nancy Ross
Progress in researching domestic homicide: A focus on the Canadian Domestic Homicide Prevention Initiative with Vulnerable Populations
Myrna Dawson, Anna-Lee Straatman and Marcie Campbell
See Full Descriptions
Thursday, March 22, 2018 - 3:30 Pm - 4:30 pm
Providing Shelter and Services in Rural Communities
Marina Martens, Lisa Newell Bain,Helen Morrison
and Jennifer Gagnon
Safe & Understood: Developing Collaboration between children’s mental health and child protection services
Angelique Jenney, Katreena Scott, Lisa Tomlinson
and Lisa Sura-Liddell
More than IPV - Indigenous, Racialized, Migrant Women and Women with Disabilities Unite to Address Structural Violence
Doris Rajan and Patty Musgrave
Risk assessment, management and safety planning: Strategies for children
Marcie Campbell, Laura Olszowy and Mike Saxton
Many roads to ending domestic violence: Creative Counselling practices with women and men
Jane Donovan, Eric Ross, Stephanie Wells and Denise Landry
Men’s Responsibility: Growing Words into Concepts
Stephen Gaddis and Benoit Molinie
Interagency Case Assessment Teams: Improving Risk Management and Safety Planning in High Risk Cases
Debby Hamilton and Kate Rossiter
Helping Couples Develop Respectful Relationships after Domestic Violence
Felicia Eghan
Men’s Intervention in the context of Child, Youth & Family-centred coordinated support
Art Fisher, Ben Hirtle, Chris Hessian, Donette Getson,
Gill Landry, Donna Crozier, Josh Purdy,
Brenda Knox-TownsenD and BJ Arsenault
Intimate Partner Violence and the Debilitating Effects of Shame on Men
Magi Cooper
See Full Descriptions